Thursday 11 August 2016

In the contemporary workplaces of all fields, collaboration and team spirit are good examples of how an education system should be. Each one of us work for a goal and on a certain deadline to achieve results. When the set task is completed, we eagerly wait for the feedback. As we know, feedback is a very powerful medium of growth. Now, how do we learn to set the goals? Or should I put it this way - Who taught us to become ambitious in order to be successful? This is all being taught in our schools, a place where a child spends the most wonderful time of his/her life.
"Life loves to be taken by the lapel and told: I'm with you kid. Let's go."
- Maya Angelou
How to choose?
Everybody wants to send their child to a good school which is well equipped with all the amenities. Though, the definition of ‘good school’ varies from person to person. Now, here come the main questions - What qualities should a good school have? On what grounds should we measure a good school? What are the current trends?
In Bangalore, there are hundreds of good schools, fighting to prove they are the best over others. Search for one best international schools in Bangalore and you will get numbers of them. At first, shortlist some of the best international schools in Bangalore and finalize the best among the rest.
Meeting with an Old Friend
I recently met my old pal from school with whom I studied for my B.Com degree. We exchanged the usual notes about life and everything else. The conversation quickly turned to our children. She asked me a very simple yet a complicated question.
She asked me - “So what are your plans for your daughter?”
My reply - “She will go to an ICSE residential school in Bangalore.”
She then enquired about what made me choose an international boarding school particularly a residential one. I explained the qualities of ICSE residential schools in Bangalore. The infrastructure in such schools is up to date and the quality of education along with extracurricular activities is one of their USPs. Any good ICSE residential school in Bangalore has all the qualities that are required by all the parents looking for the best educational institution for their child to study in.
If you also dream of giving the best education to your child then a top internationalschool in Bangalore should be your first option. Like every other parents, you must have also set certain goals in mind for your little ones. Why not, start achieving them today!

School changes people into the person they said they'd never become. 

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