Monday 22 May 2017

How Can Students Improve Their Memory Power? 🤔 💡

There was a time when every educated individual was experienced in the art of memory. Indeed, it was considered a highlight of classical education in the language arts, logic and on par with grammar. In the world with some books, a good memory was quintessential to education and power.

With coming up of a lot of advanced technologies, the art of memory has been lost. These technologies have brought the power to record and externalize information. Today, people can barely recognise their own phone numbers forget about other crucial things. Can you recall the name of the person you were introduced to this morning? You can’t! Never mind, you are not the only one in the league of “bad memory”.

Here is a good news for you, Harry Lorayne, the best-selling author and a memory-training specialist, believes that - “There is no such thing as a bad memory.” It maybe a shock for those of you who have continuously been using the supposedly “bad memory” for ages. But he is absolutely right and below given points will proof his statement and best school in Bangalore agree with us. Following these steps anyone and everyone can improve their memory exponentially.

1. Divide your time and take a break
When you are studying, divide the time of studies into smaller chunks that are punctuated by periods of rest. It is really important to take some rest while performing intense mental activities for example studying a language or preparing for an exam. The next time you are working, studying or learning something, make a conscious effort to take a break after every 20 to 25 minutes.

2. Focus, pay attention
Every detail matters, says one of the best international board schools in Bangalore. There is a difference between seeing things and observing them. Both the words mean the same for most of us. However, both are completely different from each other. You see, forget. You observe, you remember. To observe a particular thing we need to pay attention. Attention given to anything will make you remember the same.

3. Music: The best way to learn
Undoubtedly music helps our brain to find out patterns and structure in information, because what music does, in part, is help us memorizing right to left. This means that as we all know about the functionality of left brain and right brain. Studying in best IB school, you will get to know the functionality of your brain. Right brain is more creative. Whereas, Left brain is more analytic. Also, music increases the concentration power and help us ignore other things in our surrounding as well.

4. Context Learning
In language, context is fundamental in order to memorize words and phrases. Luca Lampariello, a polyglot says “context is king.” Imagine you have visited Spain, a group of people come to you and ask to click a picture in Spanish. Will you understand it? Of course you will despite the fact you don’t know a single word of the language. Here, context plays it’s part. Basically, by their gesture you will understand what they are saying. Be attentive and learn to observe the context.

5. Visualization Techniques
This technique is the bedrock of memorable method and this is what experts use at the time of memorizing long strings of numbers, people’s names, or lists of words in competitions. There is a competition called memory championships and this kind of techniques are really helpful. Few of us have the great imagery capacity. Make the most of the qualities that you possess. The best ICSE schools in Bangalore have brought this into practice.

6. Read- Repeat- Review and Read- Repeat- Review
It is all about practising. Make it your daily habit as you do eat and sleep. Rote memorization is essentially memorizing without any technique, simply by repeating again and again a word, an idea, or a name until it just sticks. It’s boring, and, well, not efficient. As per some top international schools in Bangalore, reviewing, however, is to be used together with other memory aides. It is to help your brain remember better; after all, forgetting is a natural (and good) thing. So to convince your brain that the information you intend to memorize is important, reviewing will work its magic.

Remembering anything is a big task, believe me, this is a myth! As long as you want to remember something, you will. Because it is all their inside your head, all you need to do is - “SEARCH” inside it. To do so, you need a certain practice, a practice to train your mind or memories so to so. As Harry Lorayne says, “there are only trained or untrained memories.” Which one do you have, trained or untrained?

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